Services | Marriage Advice
Marriage advice is a vital part of the work carried out by the Islamic Council America, it comprises of four main areas:​
General Marriage Advice
The general marriage advice services we offer are:​
Marital discord / dispute
Marriage reconciliation
How to solve disagreements over rights, duties and responsibilities
How to solve disagreements over financial disputes
Rulings related to the Islamic custody of the children
How to resolve disputes over in-laws relationship and rights
We request that clients try their best to attend with their spouses, otherwise advice may be somewhat limited
For divorce/Talaaq related queries, please select 'Validity of Divorce'
For cases relating to Khula', please select 'Application for Khula' (Initial Assessment)'
*Please note: We strongly advise that both spouses attend together, otherwise advice may be somewhat limited
Validity of Divorce
The validity of divorce services we offer are:​
Validity of a past divorce
Divorce in anger
Three divorces in one sitting
Islamic divorce vs civil divorce
Cases of Talaaq
Validity of Khula'/Faskh
To apply for Khula', please select service 'Application for Khula'
Please note: Both husband and wife are required to attend.
*Please note: We strongly advise that both spouses attend together, otherwise advice may be somewhat limited
Advice Related to Wali
The advice related to these services are:​
Women who want to marry but do not have a Wali
How to deal with a Wali who is abusing his right of guardianship
Fatwa regarding marriage without Wali
*Please note: Only the wife-to-be and/or any other family member are required for the appointment. The courter (man proposing) is not required for the appointment Cases subject to an initial assessment interview before acceptance.
Judgement Related to Other Disputes
The advice related to Wali cases services we offer are:​
Women who want to marry but do not have a Wali
How to deal with a Wali who is abusing his right of guardianship
Fatwa regarding marriage without Wali
*Please note: Only the wife-to-be and/or any other family member are required for the appointment. The courter (man proposing) is not required for the appointment Cases subject to an initial assessment interview before acceptance.
Islamic Council America - www.icamerica.org