Services | Family Disputes
If we are to look at the value given to the family by Allah (swt), you will come to realize that immediately after speaking about worshipping Him alone, which is of the greatest importance, Allah speaks about parents and then by extension of family members, and so on. This is why the structure of society revolves around the family.
At the Islamic Council America we have extensive experience in dealing with family disputes and working resolutions for all parties to go forward.
Family Disputes
We presently offer the following services in the family disputes areas:
Custody of Children
Non-financial disputes
Validity of Nikah
Please note: All parties involved in the dispute are required to attend before any verdict is issued. The Council will try its utmost best to conclude the case within the first session. However, some complex cases may require further sessions (with additional fees - a quote will be provided after the first session). In some cases, the Council may not be able to provide a solution, due to the information presented or other external factors.
Islamic Council America - www.icamerica.org